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Vice President’s Office 为学生事务处的各个领域提供领导和战略方向. 该办公室还作为联合学生公司之间的联络人., Union WELL Inc., and the University administration. Contact: 278-6060.

Academic Advising Center offers mandatory freshman advising, 并为所有学生提供通识教育和毕业要求建议. 该中心让学生参与一个发展过程,帮助他们明确和实施符合他们技能的个人教育计划, interests, and values. Contact: Miesha Williams, Director, 278-1000,

Admissions & Outreach 赞助和协调众多的招生活动,并为未来和现在的学生提供个人和团体入学咨询和准确的, efficient document processing. Contact: Brian Henley, Director, 278-7773,

Associated Students, Inc. 作为萨克拉门托州立学生的官方管理机构,并提供体验式教育, leadership opportunities, student representation, 以及各种支持校园和萨克拉门托大社区的娱乐服务. Contact: Sandra Gallardo, Exec. Dir., 278-6784,

Business Operations 为部门50多个部门提供财务和人事方面的指导和支持,并协调部门的学习和发展计划. Contact: Karyl Burwell, Director, 278-6060,

Career Center 提供主动和全面的职业服务,包括职业发展机会, experiential learning activities, on-campus recruitment programs, and employer networking. Contact: Melissa Repa, Director, 278-6351,

CARES Office 为遇到复杂问题或教育障碍的学生提供支持. 关怀项目经理为校园和社区资源提供指导和推荐,以解决他们的危机. 病例管理人员还协调行为干预小组并提供支持, resources, 对表现出相关行为的学生进行随访, in order to promote a safe campus environment. Contact: Emily Tupper, Case Manager, 278- 3799, or Jessica Thomas, Case Manager, 278-5138,

College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) 帮助来自移民和季节性农场工人背景的学生发展与学业成功和毕业相关的大学技能. CAMP通过提供入学帮助,促进高中到大学的过渡, financial aid application, and registration processes. Contact: Andres Enriquez, Interim Director, 278-4514,

College Based Educational Equity Programs 支持教育机会计划的学生,一旦他们过渡到各自的专业院系, in order to promote retention and graduation. Contact: Marcellene Watson-Derbigny, 负责学生保留和学业成功的助理副校长, 278-6183,

Dean of Students Office 为需要支持的学生以及任何关心可能正在与危机斗争的学生的人提供中心资源, conflict, or a need for greater connection with community life. Contact: Bill Hèbert, Jr.,副校长/学生事务主任,学生参与 & Success, 278-6060,

学位(致力于教育,毕业和留住教育公平的学生)项目 为代表性不足的学生提供更好的服务,支持他们及时取得学位并缩小成绩差距. 该计划提供全面和综合的学术和学生支持服务菜单,旨在提高代表性不足的少数民族学生的保留率和毕业率. Overall, 学位项目渴望营造一个支持学生成功的制度氛围. Contact: Ruth Williams, Coordinator, 278-3625,

Disability Access Center (DAC) 提供支持服务和住宿,以确保残疾学生有机会和途径追求他们的教育目标. DAC collaborates with students, faculty, staff, 管理人员向校园社区提供有关残疾问题的咨询和信息. Contact: Mary Lee Vance, Director, 278-6990(TDD),

Dreamer Resource Center 通过支持他们的学业,帮助无证学生和混血家庭学生实现大学学位的梦想, personal, and professional goals. Contact: Erik Ramirez, Coordinator, 278-4512,

Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) 支持来自低收入家庭的第一代加州居民,他们有动力和潜力获得学士学位. EOP provides admissions assistance, orientation, academic and financial aid advising, EOP learning communities, and more. Contact: Marcellene Watson-Derbigny, 负责学生保留和学业成功的助理副校长, 278-6183,

Enrollment Management 直接支持与大学招生管理职能有关的行政办公室.g. 招生,注册,学生服务中心和财政援助). 该办公室为行政软件系统提供功能支助.g., CMS),并与机构研究和有效性规划办公室以及信息服务和技术司合作,协助编写业务报告. Analysts in the office provide market analysis, enrollment reporting, 以及招生管理指导小组的预测分析, University’s Provost, Deans, and Vice President for Student Affairs. Contact: Steven Salcido, Associate Vice President, Enrollment Management and Student Services, 278-6060,

Faculty Student Mentor Program 通过来自八个学院的教师和同伴导师为学生提供支持和鼓励,以实现他们的教育目标. Contact: Marcellene Watson-Derbigny, 负责学生保留和学业成功的助理副校长, 278-6183,

Financial Aid & Scholarships Office 帮助学生和他们的家人寻找, apply for, receive, 并保持获得各种经济援助的资格. 经济援助教育是通过个人咨询提供的, campus marketing activities, and group presentations. Contact: Anita Kermes, Director, 278-6554,

Financial Wellness 教育学生关于金钱的问题,帮助他们计划,这样他们就可以安心地支付费用, 紧急情况和准备实现未来的财务目标. Financial education is provided through FREE, confidential one-on-one sessions on money management, customized classroom presentations, and campus-wide workshops. Contact: Julie Carroll, Assistant Director, 278-6937, or

Guardian Scholars supports Sacramento State’s foster youth students, 特别是那些解放了自己,正在努力打造成功的学术道路的人, personal, and professional success. Toward these ends, Guardian Scholars provides individual academic resources, social support toward engaging in the campus community, and financial advising and support. Contact: Susan Kischmischian, Co-Coordinator, 278-6184,, /Angelica Perez, Co-Coordinator, 278-6184,

High School Equivalency Program (HEP) 帮助移民和季节性农业工人完成他们的高中教育. 该计划帮助18岁以上的个人获得相当于高中文凭的证书. HEP还帮助学生为更高水平的教育或培训做好准备,并帮助他们过渡到更稳定、收入更高的就业形式. Contact: Andres Enriquez, Director, 278-4514,

Male Empowerment Collaborative (MEC) 致力于通过指导显著提高萨克拉门托州立大学男生的留校率和毕业率, guidance, and support. Contact: Jerry Blake, 278-6183,

Martin Luther King, Jr. Center 支持并确保非裔美国学生或对非裔美国人遗产感兴趣的学生在萨克拉门托州立大学攻读学位时取得成功. Contact: Hakeem Croom, MLK Program Coordinator, 278-6859,

Migrant Student Leadership Institute (MSLI) 招募和培养来自移民背景的学生,让他们为上大学做好准备, 有竞争力的候选人被四年制大学录取,最终成为当地社区的未来领导者. Contact: Andres Enriquez, Interim Director, 278-4514,

Multi-Cultural Center (MCC) 通过提供教育项目和经验领导机会,支持不同社区的需求. The MCC focuses on relationship building, fostering cultural understanding, multiculturalism, as well as social justice. Contact, Patsy Jimenez, Coordinator, 278-6101,

NCAA Compliance provides students, coaches, staff, 以及NCAA和体育会议规则和资格教育的管理, financial and athletic scholarship services support, 并监督NCAA的合规要求和调查. Contact: Matt Vincent, Assoc. AD for Compliance, 278-2636,

New Student Orientation 为学生顺利过渡到萨克拉门托州立大学做准备, mandatory program. Orientation helps students understand academic requirements, University support resources available to them, and the many campus social and developmental opportunities. Contact: Mary Shepherd, Assistant Director, Academic Advising/Coordinator, New Student Orientation, 278-7841,

Parents & Families Program 建立和加强学生家长和家庭与大学之间的伙伴关系. 主要功能包括宣传校园资源信息, supporting student success, 以私人礼品和捐赠的形式为校园创造收入, 并为校园内外的家长和家庭创造一个互动的角色. Contact: Haley Myers Dillon, Director, 278-4353,

Peer & Academic Resource Center (PARC) 作为学术支持服务的校园中心,包括对具有挑战性的通用电气课程的1单元补充指导, academic review and test preparation sessions, peer-led advising, and individual and group tutoring sessions. Contact: Tina Jordan, Asst. Vice President, Strategic Success Initiatives, 278-6740,

PRIDE Center 为LGBTIQQAA社区提供宣传和外展服务. The Center organizes classroom panels, Safe Zone Trainings, and other educational and celebratory programs and events. 骄傲中心提倡尊重、包容和保障我们社区所有成员的安全. Contact: Tranh Pham, Interim Coordinator, 278-8720,

Project Rebound helps formerly incarcerated students prepare, apply, enroll, 并获得澳门博彩官网的高质量学位. 项目反弹为每个学生提供支持,以确保他们在大学取得最佳成功. 该计划提供学术和财务咨询和推荐, peer mentoring and tutoring, and career development. 该计划试图帮助学生满足他们的基本需求,使他们能够专注于学习,实现教育和个人赋权. Contact 278-6794,

Serna Center promotes, fosters, and enhances self-advocacy, empowerment, 以及萨克拉门托州立大学美籍/拉丁裔学生和其他代表性不足背景学生的领导力. Additionally, 所有的计划都包括提高社会意识的努力, political, economic, historical, and cultural realities of Chicanxs/Latinxs populations. 该中心建立了一个强大的基础,丰富了文化认同,并在校园内发展了一种家庭感. 联系人:Noel Mora,联系人:Noel Mora,协调员,278-4512

Strategic Initiatives plans, develops, centralizes, 并监督部门层面的营销和促销活动, fundraising, and physical space planning and utilization. 联系人:Michael Speros,战略计划临时主管,电话278-6060;

Student-Athlete Resource Center 为所有NCAA一级学生运动员提供全面的学术课程, life skills, and NCAA compliance support program. Contact: Paul Edwards, Director, 278-7796,

Student Conduct Office 通过公平地管理科罗拉多州立大学的学生行为过程,支持科罗拉多州立大学的教育使命, timely, respectful, and educationally purposeful manner. Student Conduct staff work to educate, involve, 并支持校园社区在学生行为问题上提供安全保障, fair, 为所有社区成员提供支持性的学习环境. 联系人:Tom Carroll,学生助理院长/学生行为管理员,278-6060;

Student Engagement & Success supports student life and success outside of the classroom. These areas provide services for educational success, personal development, and rewarding student experience. Contact: Bill Hèbert, Jr.,副校长/学生事务主任,学生参与 & Success, 278-6060,

Student Health & Counseling Services (SHCS) 通过提供初级和紧急护理,采用整体和协作的医疗保健方法, preventive programs, wellness education, violence prevention, 以及为校园社区提供心理健康咨询服务. 联系人:Joy Stewart-James,助理副总裁,278-6035;

Student Affairs Imaging & Technology 为学生事务处各部门提供技术服务及运作支援. 该部门还收到图像,并将学生的文件和记录发送到相应的部门. Contact: Susana Valdez, Director, 278-7707,

Student Organizations and Leadership (SO&L) 通过为学生提供参加组织的机会,促进课外学习, participate in sport clubs, and engage in leadership education programs. Contact: Nicki Croly, Director, 278-6595,

Student Service Center 为学生提供与入学有关的广泛信息和交易, registration, and Financial Aid matters. 该中心是进入拉森大厅的学生的第一个接触点,并提供许多服务和转介到该部门和大学的其他领域, including Academic Advising, Financial Aid, the Registrar’s Office, and the Academic Colleges. Contact: Jeff Weston, Director, 278-7893,

Testing Center administers national, state, 和csu系统测试,并为有意义的学生评估提供指导和支持. 联系人:Rahsaan Ellison,残疾学生服务副主任,电话:278-6955 or

University Housing Services works to provide on-campus residents a well-maintained, attractive, 和负担得起的生活学习环境,以帮助他们实现他们的课程和课外目标. 联系人:Samuel Jones,临时执行董事,电话278-6655;

University Registrar’s Office provides quality support and service to students, faculty, staff, and external constituents with regard to academic records, registration, enrollment data, course administration, graduation, and degree verification. Contact: Danielle Ambrose, University Registrar, 278-3625,

University Union & The WELL offer welcoming and stimulating environments where students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the greater community participate in campus life. The programs, services, 联盟/WELL的设施促进个人成长和健康的决策, 鼓励社会交往,努力发展领导技能. Contact: Bill Olmsted, Executive Director, 278-2242,

Veterans Success Center 为潜在的和注册的退伍军人学生和家属提供多方面的帮助. Contact: Austin Sihoe, Interim Director, 278-7740,

Women’s Resource Center (WRC) 通过在个人和社会层面上建设妇女的能力,努力消除性别歧视和压迫. WRC在整个社区建立联盟,并提供一个支持性的环境, resources, and educational encouragement to students. Contact: Aisha Engle, Coordinator, 278-7388,